Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Boring Anwar

-a posting in RENOVATIO -
yin & yan


Thanks for the posting on RPK spinning out of control.

RPK seems to be for Anwar but at the same time seems to be hitting him equally hard. Try reading his article -The cult called PKR. Even his recycling of old posts regarding Anwar during his first episode with the police back in 1997 is of no help to Anwar.It is like old news and makes Anwar's current stories rather boring and overdosed.

The same thing can be said of the so called support from the US and the World Bank people. Their support is giving a reverse effect since people starts thinking how come Anwar is so well liked by these foreign elements. A help of no help!

It seems Anwar likes to ride on others but he forgets that others like to ride on him as well. RPK seems to be riding on him too.

Yin & Yan

3:23 PM

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